"It's more important to master the cards you're holding than to complain about the ones your opponents were dealt."

Inky Grimsley26 years old
United KingdomTaken


A lot of my favourite series are quite niche.
I would love to find more people with common interests to talk about them with!

♠️ Mahoutsukai No Yakusoku♣️ Hypnosis Mic
♠️ Pokemon♣️ UtaPri
♠️ Touken Ranbu♣️ Psycho-Pass
♠️ Neopets♣️ Ghost Trick
♠️ Professor Layton♣️ Ace Attorney
♠️ Sonic The Hedgehog♣️ Lilo and Stitch
♠️ Lupin The Third♣️ Tamagotchi
♠️ Bungou to Alchemist♣️ Pixar Cars

Favourite Characters

Mahoutsukai No Yakusoku

My favourite ships:
BradOwe (Main)
CaiOwe, BradCai, BradCaiOwe
MithBrad, MithOwe, Sanbaka Poly
MithRuti, ChlOwen, NeroFau
Sanbaka + Male Sage


My favourite ships:
DarkPrinceShipping (Grimsley x Sidney)
OriginShipping (Steven Stone x Wallace)
HowlShipping (Sidney x Steven Stone)

Uta No Prince-Sama

My favourite ships:
RanCamus (Main)
ReiRan, ReiRen, RenMasa, MasaToki, RenCamus

Before You Follow

I don't use tone indicators (though I never try to be misleading/sarcastic with what I tweet. I'm a very straight-forward kind of guy!)I try to keep my public social media spaces safe for work, but there may be mildly suggestive content from time to time.My twitter is very retweet heavy, and will probably contain a vast variety of things. My own posts usually consist of plush/nui photos! I also will occasionally post my own art.Please feel free to unfollow/softblock me any time, I'm completely chill about it and you don't need to explain yourself if you don't want to.I will block accounts if I find they've blocked me first, or if I see them spreading discourse and/or harmful content. I also block any accounts I see that promote NFTs or Crypto currency.I also block non-sharing Yume accounts I come across who yume/selfship with any characters on my faves - It's likely my content would upset people like that, so it's better if we just don't interact! I'll also block any yumes who are homophobic or against BL or GL shipping.Please don't copy or repost my art on any platform without my permission, always ask me before doing so.You can use my art as an icon so long as you credit me in your bio/page.

Please Don't Interact If...

You are homophobic, transphobic, racist, misognyistic, abelist, prey on children, etc.You are under 16 years of age. You CAN follow if you just want to see nui photos/my art, but I do not wish to interact/talk to people who are minors, as I am uncomfortable with it.You purchase and/or support the sale and existence of NFTs or Crypto Currency.You are an anti, and/or are against BL or GL series/content.You think fiction always equals reality, or that people's taste in fictional character ships = their taste in irl relationships. I believe I am old enough to know right from wrong, and am perfectly capable of separating my fictional interests from my real life interests. If you don't believe me, that's your problem.You are against and/or hate on NSFW 18+ content.You make jokes about hating things that you actually like. This also includes if you pretend to be homophobic as a joke. Not cool!You get involved in a lot of fandom drama and start fights or discourse often, and attack anyone over fiction and witch-hunt other users.You think adults don't belong in fandom spaces/should enjoy fictional media just as much as younger people.

Nsfw account (18+)

I have a private twitter account, @0wenkisser. if you are over 18 and are a mutual I've talked to, I may let you follow it on your request. I will not allow you access if we aren't mutuals and if you don't have your age in your bio. Please DM me for my approval before sending a follow request, as unless you are someone I consider my friend I will decline.

MHYK Yume Corner

At present, I don't really feel comfortable to post very much Yume content publicly due to the hostility and constant homophobia in the Yume community. This is something I partake in more on my private account, @0wenKisser, where I feel much safer.***If I post Yume it's always tagged with "mhykyume" or "mhyk yume", so please feel free to mute the tags if you don't wish to see it!Doubles and sharing is very welcome here and is highly encouraged.

My OC and Ships

A Word about KyinKyin (Top Right) is just my silly little self-insert OC and now he's become a kenja-sama and clearly he has very questionable taste in wizards, but I'll explain more about that one day...In short: I ship Kyin with all of Sanbaka (but especially Mithra and Owen!) and I do not take it seriously at all and rarely even post about it but I decided I'd make a section about it anyway.---There's not much to Kyin really, he's 29 years old and runs a recording studio for new starting musicians, but somehow or other he got sucked into the Wizard's World to become the Sage!I will draw and write up a proper profile for him at some point, watch this space...